Our Services

Personal Pension Plan

Fund Your Retirement with the Help of KBFP 

A staggering number of Canadian business owners are just not saving enough for their golden years. Just like civil servants, teachers, and union workers, you, too, can have your own pension plan. 

Are you a business owner, professional or top management at your company? The trusted business accountants at KBFP have partnered with the country's leading personal pension plan management law firm to help you build a reliable retirement fund. 

Contact Us to Learn More

Secure Your Retirement with Individual Pension Plans

business personal pension plansWhile business owners and professionals have the options of Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Individual/Personal Pension Plans, IPPs offer significant benefits, including more reliable retirement payouts, better tax deductions and rebates, and flexible funding options. 

Why Start Your Own Company-Sponsored Personal Pension Plan

If you own an incorporated Canadian company and earn more than $75,000 per year, you can reap the many benefits of an IPP:

  • Funding flexibility
  • Bring family members in and enjoy many benefits
  • Contribute More Than with RRSPs
  • Increase Tax Deductions for Your Business 
  • Preferential treatment if retiring outside of Canada
  • Financial advisors can invest in Non-RRSP eligible asset classes
  • Company-sponsored pension plans will provide more tax deductions than RRSPs
  • Get 5 extra tax deductions for your business
  • Pay less tax and save for your retirement
  • Millions can be saved when transferred to family members
  • Use pre-tax dollars earned in your corporation to fund your pension
  • Capture past service means you can fund your pension as if you started it years ago
  • Pass on to the next generation without triggering taxes
  • Highest level of creditor protection in Canada
  • Partial HST rebate on fees
  • Terminal funding

It's never too late to get started. Contact your trusted business accounting firm - KBFP. 

Why Isn't Everyone Creating Company-Sponsored Pension Plans?

Many business owners don't realize that Individual Pension Plans are an option for them because business and financial advisors don't market them regularly. Others shy away from the option because they perceive it as too costly, or they don't know who will monitor the set-up, compliance, and funds. 

If you want to start reaping the benefits of a company-sponsored Personal Pension Plan, streamline the process with the experts at KBFP. Our skilled and experienced accountants partner with a trusted pension law firm to create and manage your PPP. 

Get Started on a Reliable Pension Plan with KBFP

  1. Date of birth and province of business operation
  2. Current statement balances for RRSP/LIRA/LRSP
  3. Unused RRSP room (NOA)
  4. T4 amount for the current year 
  5. T4 amount for each year buying back (max 1991, T4s from the sponsor only)
  6. Name, date of incorporation and employment start date


CALL NOW 905-761-8080

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Robert Pellegrino, CPA, CGA

905-761-8080 ext. 224

Philip Bright, CPA, CGA


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